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Free courses of the Water School


The MOOCs (acronym in English for Massive Open Online Course) are online courses aimed at a large number of participants according to the principle of open and mass education.

The Water School, in its model, goes one step further and offers Tutored MOOCs. That is, they take place in the online training environment of the Water School, under user name and password, and also include expert teaching support and mentoring.

  • Our online pedagogical model is applied to 100 %.
  • They are totally free of charge
  • They offer a flexible learning experience completely free of charge.

Featured programs

Operación de una planta de tratamiento de agua ETAP

Operation of an ETAP water treatment plant

Reutilización de Aguas Depuradas

Reuse of Purified Water

Formación no disponible
Eficiencia Energética en Instalaciones de Agua

Energy Efficiency in Water Facilities

Formación no disponible
Limpieza Avanzada de la Red de Drenaje

Advanced Drain Network Cleaning

Formación no disponible
La Gestión del Agua como Impulso para los ODS

Water Management as an Impulse for the SDGs

Formación no disponible
Eficiencia Hidráulica en Redes de Agua

Hydraulic Efficiency in Water Networks