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Educación Ambiental
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Postgraduate in Management Development
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Environmental education
Una conversación sobre educación ambiental con NILSA
En La Escuela del Agua, nos enorgullece trabajar con sociedades comprometidas con la educación ambiental y el desarrollo sostenible. Hoy tenemos el placer de compartir una entrevista exclusiva con Rebeca Echevarria, directora de comunicación de NILSA. A través de esta conversación, exploramos las iniciativas ambientales implementadas en su NILSA y cómo nuestra colaboración está contribuyendo […]
Environmental education
El programa escolar de concienciación ambiental Aqualogia ¡celebra 10 años!
En este nuevo curso escolar, Aqualogia, el programa de educación ambiental para escolares de primaria impulsado por Agbar, cumple su décimo aniversario, reafirmando su compromiso de sensibilización a los más jóvenes sobre la importancia del agua y del medio ambiente. Desde sus inicios hace una década, Aqualogia ha sido clave en la formación de […]
Environmental education
We accompany NILSA in its environmental education program
The Water School has been awarded the environmental education program on purification by NILSA, a company that leads the implementation of the sanitation plan for the rivers of Navarra. This service reaffirms the commitment of NILSA and the Water School to environmental education and the sustainable management of water resources. […]
Aqualogia launches Aquakits: Innovative pedagogical boxes to teach the water cycle
In 2024, Agbar Aqualogia's environmental education program has renewed its logo and has opted for pedagogical innovation through Aquakits; some pedagogical boxes designed so that 4th, 5th and 6th grade students can learn about the urban water cycle in their city in a […]
Environmental education
Building a green future together!
Today, January 26, we join the celebration of World Environmental Education Day. At the Water School, we believe in the importance of environmental education to build a better future, and on this significant day we want to reflect with Eire Ruiz, environmental education coordinator, on our commitment to the well-being of the […]
Environmental education
Environmental education all year round... even in summer!
With the end of the school year, environmental education activities often change audience and even context: they leave the classroom and formal correspondence with academic curricula for a few months, and more than ever are put at the service of summer camps, families and people looking for an enriching leisure and [...]
Environmental education
World Water Day: "Making the invisible visible".
Click here to watch David Calle's video on groundwater and neperian logarithms. For 30 years now, every March 22 is a day to commemorate and raise awareness of the importance of taking care of water for the life of humans and species on Earth. This 2022 is [...]
Environmental education
Environmental education and geography didactics are intertwined at the Universitat d'Alacant
The conference "Experiences and educational resources in the era of global change" brought together experts in education to discuss the challenges and success stories in this area. Lluc Pejó, Director of Talent at Agbar and the Water School, explained the didactic model of environmental education of the School [...]
Environmental education
World Teachers' Day: teachers at the heart of education recovery
On World Teachers' Day, we not only pay tribute to all educators, we call on countries to invest in them and prioritize them in global education recovery efforts so that every student has access to a qualified and supported teacher. We call on countries to invest in them and prioritize them in global education recovery efforts so that every student has access to a qualified and supported teacher. Let's support our teachers!" One year [...]
Environmental education
Aqualogía with the collaboration of David Calle
Aqualogía incorporates new pieces created by David Calle, influencer, director of Unicoos and academy teacher. The program brings the natural and urban water cycle closer to primary school children, and promotes a positive attitude and behavior towards the environment. Starting in the 2021-22 school year, the 100% water school program will [...]
Environmental education
FRESCO: passion for the environment
Our commitment to the environment starts by transferring knowledge of the main challenges and the best available solutions. To this end, the organization is providing a workshop to all its employees to understand the cause-effect links of climate change, based on collective intelligence and creativity. It is a game of [...]