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Dual Vocational Training
La Escuela del Agua inspira a futuros profesionales en una sesión de empleabilidad en el IES Cerro Infantes
Combinando tecnología de vanguardia y orientación profesional para los estudiantes del ciclo formativo de Grado Medio en Montaje y Mantenimiento de Instalaciones de Agua y el ciclo formativo de grado superior en técnico de agua. La jornada comenzó con una experiencia inmersiva de cuatro horas utilizando tecnología de Realidad Virtual (VR). Los alumnos tuvieron la […]
Professional Qualification
Grado dual en Agbar: El éxito de Mia demuestra el valor de la formación dual universitaria
Agbar destaca por su firme apoyo a la educación y la formación de calidad. A través de la Escuela del Agua, Agbar cuenta con más de 10 años de experiencia impulsando la formación dual. Tenemos el placer de presentar el caso de Mia Climent Cerdà, que nos comparte su experiencia dual universitaria. Mia es una […]
Dual Vocational Training
#EUWaterChallengeVETLabs Awards
Today the awards ceremony for the final in the #EUWaterChallengeVETLabs competition took place, held at our AGBAR and Water School headquarters in Barcelona. During the ceremony, three innovative projects carried out by groups of national and international students from various Vocational Training disciplines were presented. These projects offer creative solutions […]
Dual Vocational Training
New professional horizons with dual water fp cycles
Dual vocational training constitutes a key educational model for addressing youth unemployment, since it offers a practical route with companies that allows young people to be provided with concrete skills and direct experience in the professional field. Dual FP is, therefore, an effective response to the gap between […]
Dual Vocational Training
Meeting of the European VET Labs Project in Denmark
On April 18 and 19, the meeting of the coordinators of the Water Challenge VET Labs project took place in Denmark. The coordination of the project, the Fundació BCN Formació Professional and the partners, the Mercantec Centers (Viborg), De Wijnpers (Leuven) INS Esteve Terradas (Cornellà de Llobregat) together with the company that launches the […]
Dual Vocational Training
We received the Alliance for Dual Vocational Training Award for our contribution to the employability of young people in the water sector.
Agbar is the winner of the seventh edition of the Alliance for Dual Vocational Training Award in the Large Company category. The jury of the awards, organized by the Bertelsmann Foundation and the CEOE Foundation, highlights Agbar's commitment to this type of training, which contributes to quality employment for young people in the sector.
Dual Vocational Training
The Water of the Future at FormaOcupa
With the knowledge of the incorporation of the Middle Level Vocational Training Cycle of Networks and Water Treatment Stations by the Alfons Costafreda Institute of Tárraga, both companies, organizations and public administrations, all of them received it with good vibes because of the needs that the province has of professional profiles of such [...]
Dual Vocational Training
Dual Vocational Training celebrates its 10th anniversary
The tenth anniversary of the advent of Dual Vocational Training in Spain is being celebrated this year with various events, a paradigm of vocational training that has contributed decisively to change the employability and social perception of middle-level training, to the point that the recently approved law on Vocational Training [...]
Dual Vocational Training
Dual Vocational Training takes center stage at Saló de l'Ensenyament
The Saló de l'Ensenyament de Catalunya opened its doors today. After two editions cancelled due to the pandemic, the event has once again filled the Montjuic Fair with students from different levels of secondary education to learn first-hand about the educational offer of universities and training centers in order to [...]
Dual Vocational Training
Water School participates in international seminar on green skills for vocational training
The Water School has participated in the European Conference "Green Skills in Vocational Education and Training (VET)" which was held at the headquarters of Ematsa (Empresa Municipal Mixta de Aguas de Tarragona). This European project is focused on establishing professional skills in the context of the green economy in three public utilities [...]
Dual Vocational Training
The Water School, awarded at the FPCAT 2020 for its commitment to vocational training
Today Agbar's Water School has been awarded in the second edition of the FPCAT 2020 Awards, granted by the Generalitat de Catalunya in recognition of good practices in the field of vocational training, in the category of companies and other entities. Manuel Cermerón, CEO of Agbar, has received the award, [...]