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Business management and talent management

How can I understand the people in my company?

Icon ubication Online
Icon calendar May 12, 2025
¿Cómo puedo entender a las personas de mi empresa?

We have developed a series of contents, we call them self-training courses that consist of ten hours of learning. These courses are cumulative and add up to completing a program.
They are courses integrated into our NEREXA platform, which means they comply with the flexibility we mentioned. Courses prepared by our experts, updated and supervised by our team, complying with the quality of the product, in addition to having a tutor for doubts, questions and advice.
Continuous training plans for technical profiles. Complete this course to earn a proficiency.


  • Analyze the contribution of psychology in understanding organizational behavior, highlighting its relevance in business management.
  • Identify and specify the relevant organizational attitudes in the business environment, highlighting their influence on culture and work performance.
  • Know the implications and repercussions derived from the predominant organizational attitudes in business dynamics, with emphasis on their impact on productivity and the work environment.
  • Examine the perception process in the business context, identifying the determining factors and their effect on decision making and interpersonal interaction.
  • Analyze the concept of personality in the business field, differentiating and characterizing the relevant traits for team management and effective leadership.


  • Comprender cómo las actitudes laborales, la satisfacción en el trabajo y la gestión del talento impactan en el rendimiento organizacional.
  • Adquirir habilidades para identificar y gestionar eficazmente las diferentes reacciones de los individuos ante situaciones de insatisfacción laboral..
  • Aprender a promover un ambiente laboral positivo y productivo mediante la adaptación al cambio, la innovación y la gestión de la diversidad en el equipo..
  • Entender la importancia de factores como la escucha activa, la observación atenta y la retroalimentación para mejorar la experiencia laboral de los empleados y fomentar la satisfacción en el trabajo.
  • Desarrollar habilidades para reconocer y evitar estereotipos en el entorno laboral, promoviendo un ambiente inclusivo y respetuoso.
  • Adquirir conocimientos sobre cómo las expectativas de desempeño de los líderes pueden influir en el comportamiento y rendimiento de los colaboradores, y aprender a gestionar estas expectativas de manera equitativa.



10 hours






May 12, 2025




Formas de pago

Payment Methods

100% Bonusable


