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Energy generation from waste and wastewater

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Generación de energía a partir de residuos y aguas residuales

The Water School as a participant in the project 3LoE, has organized the course "Energy generation from waste and wastewater" 80 hours of self learning, by carrying out exercises to apply the theoretical knowledge acquired in the modules adding a one-day in-person session in Madrid.

The main objective of this program is to acquire knowledge about general aspects of energy generation, infrastructure and use in the European Union. You will learn new wastewater and waste treatment technologies, and their energy recovery.

You will learn about national and European legislation and regulations in the field of waste management and wastewater treatment to promote energy efficiency in the company, contributing to the improvement of environmental development and the circular economy.


  • Managers and technicians of small and medium-sized companies in any field
  • Sector professionals and consultants in the energy field
  • Students interested in acquiring or expanding knowledge in the field of green energy generation.


By completing the course, you will obtain the following skills:

  • Skills in consulting and calculation of energy production from wastewater and waste, and possible uses of the energy produced
  • Knowledge of environmental requirements at national and international level
  • Analysis capacity of a company's energy generation potential
  • Awareness of the importance of sustainable energy generation and its relevance to anthropogenic climate change
  • Vision of the opportunity for sustainable energy generation in small and medium-sized businesses
  • Knowledge of the sector, current and future trends. Communication skills in the environmental field
  • Ability to research and expand knowledge in the field of green energy generation
  • Acquisition of skills to design solutions and technical work methods related to sustainable energy generation
  • Ability to interpret environmental requirements and convert them into actions for implementation
  • Knowledge of the fundamental principles of energy production aimed at reducing greenhouse gases in the context of anthropogenic climate change
  • Understanding of the fundamental concepts of national and international energy management regarding wastewater and waste  

The program is designed to be mostly online, through the resolution of challenges. Consider an in-person session during the last weeks in Madrid.

In-person session:

Day: Wednesday, May 29, 2024
Schedule: 9:00 a.m. - 5:30 p.m. Coffee break and lunch included
Place: Veolia Madrid
Calle Santa Leonor, 39 - 28037 Madrid

  • Introduction to power generation
  • Typology of energies according to the sources that generate them
  • Fossil versus renewable energies
  • Energy infrastructure in the European Union
  • Energy strategy in the European Union: policies, objectives, actions and regulations

  • European and national regulations and legislation on waste management 
  • Types of waste: municipal, biosanitary and hazardous 
  • Mechanical Treatment (processes/technologies) 
  • Biological Treatment (processes/technologies) 
  • Heat Treatment (processes/technologies) 
  • Deposit in landfill 
  • Treatment of biomedical waste 
  • Frequent hazardous waste treatments

  • European directive on the use of energy from renewable sources.
  • Types of energy recovery technologies for waste and wastewater.
  • Heat treatment technologies.
  • Anaerobic digestion technologies.
  • Energy recovery of waste through use as an alternative fuel in thermal installations.
  • Cogeneration technologies.
  • Biogas. Normative. Generation technologies.
  • Biogas in the PNIEC
  • Biogas Upgrading
  • Potential of the energy recovery of waste at the national level.


    Álvaro Dorao

    Alvaro Dorao

    Mining Engineer from the UPM specializing in Energy and fuels. PDD by the EOI.
    22 years of experience in the environmental sector and specialized in waste management.
    Always linked to the private sector in companies such as SACYR and Ferrovial and developing projects both nationally and internationally.
    Currently at Veolia as Director of Municipal Waste Development.
    Antonio Ponce

    Antonio Ponce

    Professional in the industrial fields and environmental management and remediation. In-depth knowledge of the national market, action procedures in industrial and service companies, as well as applicable legal requirements. Responsible for various projects for the start-up of waste treatment and environmental remediation facilities. Speaker in numerous forums and training activities on these subjects.

    Beatriz Castillo

    Graduate in Environmental Sciences from the Autonomous University of Madrid, Master in environmental engineering and management from the EOI and PGD from IE. He has 24 years of experience in the environmental sector. 

    She was attached to the Directorate of the Environmental Competence Center of Ferrovial Services, which brought together engineering, R&D and development of solutions for the management of municipal, commercial and industrial waste.

    She later held the position of General Director of Sustainability and Climate Change of the Environment Department of the Community of Madrid. She is currently Deputy to the Waste Development Department of Veolia Spain.

    Among other teaching and training activities, she is a professor in different Waste Management Programs. He also regularly participates as a speaker at conferences, seminars and conferences, and represents his company in different national and European sectoral associations on waste management and the circular economy.






80 hours












Madrid - Veolia Headquarters: Calle Santa Leonor, 39 - 28037 Madrid



In-person conference in Madrid on Wednesday, May 29