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Sustainable Wastewater Management in the Circular Economy: Approaches and Solutions

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Gestión Sostenible de Aguas Residuales en la Economía Circular: Enfoques y Soluciones

The Water School as a participant in the project 3LoE, has organized the course "Sustainable Wastewater Management in the Circular Economy: Approaches and Solutions"75 hours of online self-study. 

The main objective of this program is to acquire knowledge to cUnderstand the principles and processes involved in recycling water from purification, including technologies and practices for its safe and sustainable reuse.

Acquire knowledge about the technologies and strategies available to modernize a wastewater treatment plant, with the aim of improving its efficiency, performance and regulatory compliance.

Develop skills to identify opportunities to improve the energy efficiency of water-related facilities, as well as to implement measures and solutions that reduce energy consumption and promote sustainable practices.


  • Managers and technicians of small and medium-sized companies in any field
  • Sector professionals
  • Consultants
  • Students interested in acquiring or expanding knowledge in the field of water supply and saving


By completing the course, you will obtain the following skills:

  • Be able to list the processes and mechanisms involved in the regeneration of wastewater and select the most appropriate regeneration technology in each case.
  • Be able to define the key parameters that must be controlled and adjusted during the water regeneration process.
  • List the specific quality requirements of reclaimed water according to its final application and outline the development of a detailed analytical plan that allows monitoring and ensuring the quality of the treatment and regenerated water.
  • Be able to identify emerging technologies applicable in a WWTP and examine a WWTP as a resource generator and exploring its integration into the circular economy.
  • Be able to explore the essential control systems to improve the process of a WWTP and identify the problem of emerging contaminants.
  • Interpret the evaluation of the energy consumption of a water installation, interpreting its implications in costs and operational efficiency and list specific energy efficiency indicators applicable to water sector facilities, showing knowledge of the standards and metrics used to measure energy efficiency.
  • Be able to estimate the energy efficiency of the equipment that makes up water facilities, identifying its performance and contribution to global energy consumption.
  • Identify the various factors that influence energy consumption in water facilities, identifying the variables that impact energy efficiency.
  • Recognize and point out specific areas within a water facility that may not be energy efficient, demonstrating ability to identify opportunities for improvement.
  • Be able to propose a theoretical plan to improve energy efficiency in water facilities, identifying specific actions to optimize energy consumption.

The methodology for acquiring skills is designed in online mode.

1. Uses of regenerated water. Water quality depending on use.

2. Water regeneration technologies

3.  Water quality control and analytical plan

4. Adaptation of resources to client needs

1. Why a 21st century WWTP? Economic, social reasons and environmental?

2.  Emerging technologies

3.  By-product recovery

4. Control systems

5.  Emerging pollutants

1. Energy concepts

2 Energy consumption in the integral water cycle

3. Regulatory framework

4 Comprehensive energy management

5 Energy audit

6 Energy generation






75 hours








