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How do I ensure health and safety in my facilities?

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Icon calendar February 17, 2025
¿Cómo garantizo la seguridad y salud en mis instalaciones?

We have developed a series of contents, we call them self-training courses that consist of ten hours of learning. These courses are cumulative and add up to completing a program.
They are courses integrated into our NEREXA platform, which means they comply with the flexibility we mentioned. Courses prepared by our experts, updated and supervised by our team, complying with the quality of the product, in addition to having a tutor for doubts, questions and advice.
Continuous training plans for technical profiles. Complete this course to earn a proficiency.




  • Relate the rules and guidelines for action, allowing the establishment of a culture of occupational health and safety (SSL) integrated into the organization.
  • Study the use of tools that enable the implementation of relevant actions regarding SSL.
  • Identify the necessary tools to strengthen leadership and practices with the objective of guaranteeing the active participation of collaborators.


  • Ser capaz de relacionar reglas y directrices de actuación para establecer una cultura integrada de seguridad y salud laboral en una organización, demostrando comprensión de su importancia y aplicación
  • Ser capaz de interpretar el uso de herramientas específicas para implementar acciones pertinentes en materia de seguridad y salud laboral, mostrando conocimiento de las herramientas disponibles y su aplicación
  • Ser capaz de reconocer y enumerar las herramientas necesarias para fortalecer el liderazgo y las prácticas que fomenten la participación activa de los colaboradores en materia de seguridad y salud laboral, demostrando conocimiento de estrategias y herramientas de gestión



10 hours




Formas de pago

Payment Methods

100% Bonusable



February 17, 2025





