Home > How do I optimize my resources with joint water management of surface water and groundwater?
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How do I optimize my resources with joint water management of surface water and groundwater?

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Icon calendar February 17, 2025
¿Cómo optimizo mis recursos con una gestión conjunta de aguas  de aguas superficiales y aguas subterráneas?

We have developed a series of contents, we call them self-training courses that consist of ten hours of learning. These courses are cumulative and add up to completing a program.
They are courses integrated into our NEREXA platform, which means they comply with the flexibility we mentioned. Courses prepared by our experts, updated and supervised by our team, complying with the quality of the product, in addition to having a tutor for doubts, questions and advice.
Continuous training plans for technical profiles. Complete this course to earn a proficiency.


  • Explore joint management strategies for surface and groundwater within the general framework of hydrological management and planning.
  • Acquire knowledge about hydrogeological management within the general planning framework.
  • Identify the coincidences and differences between joint management at the hydrographic basin level and the management carried out at the level of a private or public water operator.
  • Develop the bases for the design of the main hydrogeological technical tools.
  • Discover the evolution from “classic” joint use to coordinated use of various water sources, conventional and non-conventional.


  • Ser capaz de, identificar los parámetros de proceso fundamentales para la operación de una planta desaladora mediante ósmosis inversa (OI) .
  • Ser capaz de conocer los puntos críticos de una planta de desalación mediante ósmosis inversa (OI) para definir estrategias, mantenimientos y protocolos de actuación de manera preventiva
  • Ser capaz de identificar las distintas técnicas existentes para la desalación de agua de mar, haciendo hincapié en las tecnologías mediante membranas como la ósmosis inversa
  • Ser capaz de identificar las tecnologías y soluciones aplicables en las distintas etapas de una planta desaladora mediante ósmosis inversa para optimizar el proceso
  • Ser capaz de conocer el contexto actual de los recursos hídricos y el papel que juega la desalación de agua de mar para paliar las situaciones de estrés hídrico y/o déficit hídrico



10 hours




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100% Bonusable



February 17, 2025





