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How do I manage my company?

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Icon calendar May 12, 2025
¿Cómo administro mi empresa?

We have developed a series of contents, we call them self-training courses that consist of ten hours of learning. These courses are cumulative and add up to completing a program.
They are courses integrated into our NEREXA platform, which means they comply with the flexibility we mentioned. Courses prepared by our experts, updated and supervised by our team, complying with the quality of the product, in addition to having a tutor for doubts, questions and advice.
Continuous training plans for technical profiles. Complete this course to earn a proficiency.


  • Understand the distinctions between business and organization, and how these entities operate in diverse business and social contexts.
  • Understand the company as an open system, considering its interaction with the environment and its ability to adapt and respond to external changes.
  • Identify the various types of businesses, from small local businesses to multinational corporations, and understand how they differ in structure and operation.
  • Study the complex relationships between ownership, management and governance in companies, exploring how these elements affect decision making and strategic direction.
  • Recognize the importance of management in the workplace and understand its essential functions in the administrative process.


  • Adquirir un sólido entendimiento de los fundamentos empresariales y la esencia de las empresas.
  • Analizar de manera crítica la operatividad empresarial y su interacción con el entorno circundante.
  • Identificar oportunidades de negocio viables y emprender con eficacia.
  • Tomar decisiones fundamentadas y estratégicas en el ámbito empresarial.
  • Mejorar la empleabilidad al desarrollar competencias sólidas en gestión empresarial.
  • Aplicar los conocimientos adquiridos en la gestión personal, incluyendo finanzas y planificación de objetivos, para un desempeño óptimo en diversos contextos profesionales.

General information



10 hours






May 12, 2025




Formas de pago

Payment Methods

100% Bonusable


