Home > Executive Master in Water Technology and Management
Master's Degree

Executive Master in Water Technology and Management

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Máster Ejecutivo en Tecnología y Gestión del Agua
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Since 2011, the Water School and the Polytechnic University of Catalonia (UPC) have been offering a program of cutting-edge master's degree in water technology and management. The program is a meeting place for professionals and a benchmark program for acquiring an integral vision of the urban water cycle and, at the same time, strengthening managerial competencies oriented to decision-making, both from a technical and strategic point of view.

This program responds to the challenges of sustainability, digitization and continuous transformation of organizations and society.. Incorporates the latest technological advances in the sector and introduces specializations in the academic itinerary.

The collaboration of Canal de Isabel II, Aigües de Barcelona and Aguas de Alicante gives the program a unique singularity, providing first-hand knowledge of the reality of three of the main water service operators in Spain.

Get ready for:

Hold positions of responsibility in companies, institutions and organizations linked to water and environmental management, such as general management and management, or technical or functional management with a 360° vision of the sector.

Professionals from leading companies, expert profiles from different organizations, institutions and technology centers, as well as university professors and researchers, will help you:

  • Obtain an overall composition of the actors, processes and regulatory framework involved in the water cycle.

  • To understand the key technological and management factors of water distribution, drainage, treatment and reclamation services.

  • To provide the tools to manage and evaluate business projects and find local solutions to the challenges of circularity and resource valorization.

  • Develop an analytical and critical spirit that favors a disruptive approach to improve the experience of water service users.

  • To forge a rigorous, collaborative and holistic vision in water management and engineering.

  • Improve strategic planning in organizations in the sector.

  • Share the latest trends and innovations, with a special focus on digital transformation.

  • To enrich the development of competencies by promoting teamwork, creativity and the ability to assume managerial responsibilities from a multidisciplinary point of view.

Addressed to:

  • People with degrees in scientific-technical careers (engineering, environmental sciences, natural sciences...).

  • Professionals with technical experience in the integral water cycle who wish to acquire or improve skills for the management of companies in the sector.

  • Professionals with experience in business management who wish to acquire or improve their technical knowledge in the field of the urban water cycle.

  • Technicians and professionals with specific knowledge in any of the stages of the urban water cycle who wish to incorporate a broader and more managerial vision.

  • Public Administration technicians who want to deepen their knowledge.

The Executive Master in Water Technology and Management is a program that combines online and face-to-face methodology and consists of 60 ECTS credits, distributed in:

Dos grandes bloques cursados en paralelo:

Two large blocks of courses run in parallel:

Technical Water Management and Strategic Management of Water Companies.



"Facing the future of water: challenges and latest trends in water and environment".

Proyecto final:

Final project:

developed under the START-UP model.

This new edition of the executive master's degree also allows you to customize the program with intensification credits and optional (non-curricular) professional internships.



This block covers the entire water cycle, from the collection, purification and treatment of water collected from the natural environment, to its distribution and the collection of used water for its subsequent purification and return to the environment from which it was obtained in optimal conditions that do not harm the environment.

Regulatory and institutional framework. The urban water cycle and its management. Water resources. Hydrological planning. Calculation of resource availability and demand calculation and management. Climate change. Resilience. Drought plans and flood risk management plans. Ecological and social value of water. Water and sustainable development.

Groundwater collection and aquifer management. Surface water collection and treatment. Optimization of the management of available resources. Joint management of surface and groundwater. Advanced treatments. Marine and brackish water treatment. Legislation applicable to water for human consumption. Quality of resources and pollution. Water treatment by-products.

The supply network and its components (upstream and downstream network). Network planning, modeling and sizing: master plans. Network management: operation, maintenance, rehabilitation, efficiency, associated information systems, pressure control and management. Water quality in the distribution network. Irrigation networks.

The sanitation network and its different elements. Planning, modeling and sizing of networks: master plans. Advanced management of urban drainage: operation, cleaning, maintenance, rehabilitation, criteria of flow risk in streets. Environmental control in drainage systems: control of discharges to the sewerage system and to the receiving environment, control of discharges in rainy weather. Sanctioning regime. Sustainable urban drainage systems (SUDS) and use of rainwater.

Wastewater treatment. Water line. Sludge line. Wastewater regeneration. Control of purification systems. Operation and maintenance of sanitation facilities. Asset management of hydraulic infrastructures.


In this block we work on contents that will allow the participant to develop skills and acquire tools to critically evaluate the solutions to solve a specific problem, as well as the knowledge of business management.

Legal models of integral water cycle companies. Strategic analysis, opportunities and trends (digital business, big datacompany 4.0). Vision, planning and development of growth strategies. Control and performance indicators.

Analysis of the economic environment. Circular economy. Planning and control. Business economic-financial management. Analysis of financial statements. Financial accounting. Cost calculation and management. Budgeting process. Investment analysis and valuations. 

Commercial cycle of the service. The value of management and commercial processes. Identification and analysis of indicators. Economic management of the commercial cycle. Operational management of the commercial cycle. Customer service. User experience analysis and management.

Bases and methodology for integrated project management. Critical chain. Project management software. Project results management: from planning to completion. Social factors of projects. Projects and works of water facilities and infrastructures. The role of innovation in business strategy. Models and types of innovation. The process and management of innovation. Innovation in technology and water management.


New module, in the format of a specialized seminar, to offer a high-level vision of the new paradigms of governance and management of water and the environment. It is developed in two face-to-face blocks:

  • Shift to new paradigms
  • Decision-making: from challenge to opportunity


At the end of the Master, the participant is able to link his work to the different fields of project planning and water cycle management from an integral point of view, through the elaboration of the Master's final project developed under the START-UP model. The project can also be an opportunity for participants to find solutions to real problems in their companies' activities.


Contact us at +34 932 479 73, mail a admisiones@laescueladelagua.com o bien déjanos tu datos en el contact form and we will contact you shortly.


This master's degree has the best university professors and researchers, as well as business professionals and executives from the sector.The course is designed to ensure the practicality and functional applicability of the contents covered.

We promote a active learning based on the exhaustive knowledge of the experiences acquired and the development of the differential capabilities of each person to train professionals with the skills required to be part of a growing sector full of new challenges. It is, in short, a team prepared to train new leaders.



    Doctorate in Civil Engineering.
    Professor of the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering of the Polytechnic University of Catalonia (UPC).


    Industrial Engineer from the Polytechnic University of Catalonia (UPC)..
    CEO de Veolia y Agbar España.

A unique technical and management training experience

The methodology and support resources are designed to facilitate autonomous, flexible and practice-oriented learning.

The innovative didactic treatment of the materials is based on the resolution of CHALLENGES based on the real professional challenges that you will have to face during your professional life.


First we present you with the challenge that you will have to solve and with which you can face in reality; then you can access the transmedia content to find your solution; finally, you must deliver your solution that you can contrast with the solution proposed by the expert.

You will also have the support of a dynamic community of peers, a faculty of experts, and your academic tutor who will accompany you from the beginning.

What is the virtual campus like?

Transmedia formats

Challenges and other content are presented through different transmedia formats:

  • Radio programs.

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    Minireportajes, interviews, contests, news, last minute...

  • Television programs.

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    Reports in audiovisual format and resources that complement the content in a didactic way.

  • Magazines and digital publications.

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    Knowledge in a journalistic, entertaining and dynamic language.

  • Manuals with notes written by the expert

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    Annotations, tips, reviews highlighting what really applies in the professional world.

  • Interactive Displays

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15 months - 1500 hours










Formas de pago

Payment Methods

Bonificable por la FUNDAE


Madrid (6 weekends), Barcelona (3 weekends), Alicante (1 weekend).

Schedule of face-to-face meetings

Friday afternoon and full Saturday. Technical visits take place on Fridays from 9:00 am to 1:00 pm.


Those who successfully complete the program and meet the necessary academic requirements will obtain the Master's degree in Water Technology and Management issued by the Polytechnic University of Catalonia. In order to obtain the master's degree issued by the Polytechnic University of Catalonia, it is necessary to have an official university degree or a university degree equivalent to a degree, diploma or bachelor's degree. Otherwise, you will obtain a certificate of completion issued by the Fundació Politècnica de Catalunya. If you have any doubts about whether your degree is correct, please contact the admissions department.